juneteenth at the farmers’ market

juneteenth at the farmers’ market

The sunflower signifies happiness, optimism, honesty, longevity, peace, admiration, and devotion. Bright and cheery, warm and inviting like the summer sun, sunflowers brought joy to the children at the Farmers’ Market on the drizzly morning of June 10, 2023, as they happily drew and colored the centers of the flowers.

Older children and adults wrote acrostic poems using the words “JUNETEENTH’ and ‘AMERICA’, to express what this meant to them.

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soul circles

soul circles

The theme for NEAR’s expressive arts event at the Ellensburg UU Church on Sunday, May 28, 2023 was creativity. Participants were invited to create ideas, dreams, and prayers to be voiced in the wind. The participants wrote their messages on labels, decorated them, then tied them to a tree in the church’s yard.

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